The Carolina Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Minority Research (CCADMR) is a state-wide collaboration, providing research, mentorship and education on determinants of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) disparities for underrepresented and minority (UMB) scholars. The Center is funded by the National Institute on Aging as a P30 research training grant.
The CCADMR is dedicated to increasing the capacity of underrepresented and minority scholars to advance the science on the sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental factors that influence Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD) outcomes in order to reduce ADRD-related disparities, with a focus on African Americans; and advancing the science of ADRD research focused on population health and determinants of ADRD disparities through research education in population-based, secondary data analysis, interdisciplinary co-mentoring teams, well-established strategies for recruitment of AD-RCMAR Scientists, and education on Health Disparities and Minority Aging Research.
Visit the CCADMR website to learn about the activities and opportunities to collaborate.